

wait till 5:45


"It has never been my object to record my dreams, just the determination to realize them." -Man Ray


The advent of modern times dates from the moment the first daguerreotype appeared on the scene. The camera lens, capturing the appearances of fleeting instants, has marked out the past with a succession of presents. The day photography was born, humanity won a precious victory over time, its most redoubtable enemy. To be able to perpetuate for even a relative eternity humankind's most ephemeral aspects, was this not a way of stopping time, a little at least, in its dread course? The first snapshot made that victory decisive. In the posed photograph time still held its own, because its benevolent collaboration was asked for. But the snapshot flies in the face of time, violates it. -Carlo Rim


Drove up to Mt. Lemmon today with my mom, strange place. but a great drive up.


“I cannot imagine how the clockwork of the universe can exist without a clockmaker.” -Voltaire
