
Some photos from the past week. I just recently was asked to be a part of a prospective tv show that may be airing on the National Geographic Channel. Iain Harris came by for 2 days to film and interview, hopefully the pitch goes well.
I stopped by 4th street today to notice that there was Ford Mustang car show spanning the length of 4th. There were some beautiful cars that showed their face this morning. It was a good way to start the day.


I just purchased a Nikon F3HP 35mm camera on ebay for $218. I can't wait to get it and start shooting.



I'm taking a documentary photography class this semester. Yesterday I pitched two ideas, above are some of the photographs I used. Apparently you shouldn't do anything to your photographs when documenting something...hahaha... I got a fare share of criticism from my teacher and my classmates. I felt like a jackass.